Services: Enterprise Edge and In-building Wireless Services

NFV SDN Service NFV SDN Service NFV SDN Service
Enterprise Edge and
In-building Wireless Services
In-building Wireless Services

In-building Wireless represents ongoing and exciting paradigm shift in the real estate market. This shift embraces in-building wireless connectivity, intelligent building solutions for existing and new portfolios, and mission-critical data storage and dissemination. InBuilding addresses the needs of today’s commercial and residential tenants and explains the best practices required to attract and retain them. With this new generation of real estate technologies, facilities infrastructure and connectivity require a holistic approach to integrate “intelligent” and wired/wireless solutions.


In-building Wireless Development Services

MobileStack provides In-building wireless development services to offer best-value solutions for Building Owners. We are familiar with new public-safety regulatory requirements adopted by city governments that are evolving rapidly as FirstNet roll-out gets completed.

In-building wireless technology is evolving rapidly and MNOs are adopting new digital interface standards to provide digital signal feed for In-building coverage. In some cases, MNOs are willing to fund partially for in-building deployment and reduce TCO for building owner.

In-building Wireless Managed Services

MobileStack offers In-building wireless solution as managed services to building owners. This is a WIN-WIN for MNOs and building owners.
Carriers like Verizon and AT&T feel comfortable joining a Mobilestack in-building wireless systems because Mobilestack understands MNO interfaces and its operations. Mobilestack coordinates the design and development of these systems with Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) including Verizon and AT&T.
Building Owner self-managed in-building solution has risks, such as demand to have the system shut down or rack up FCC fines. By using Mobilestack in-building wireless managed services, Building owner gets the benefit of In-building wireless coverage in a risk free way as a straight RoI for investment without any operational headaches.

Enterprise Edge Services
Enterprise Edge Services

Our Value

Mobilestack has domain expertise in development of your Enterprise Edge Solution using commodity HW and lower total cost of ownership (TCO) with proper lifecycle management solution in place. We partner with commodity HW vendors and constantly evaluate their HW to understand the capabilities and offer best-fit solution to our customers. We cut the marketing hype and select vendors based on their actual performance on other projects.
MobileStack has trained Enterprise-Edge development and testing resources that can be used for Enterprise Edge service development and lifecycle management.


The “thin” edge is characterized by its primary role of converting automation-centric data to that which can be consumed in the IT environment. This is true particularly for conversion of polling protocols typical to legacy industrial environments to more IT friendly pub-sub communications, like MQTT, that can serve data to any applications that choose to subscribe.

Desire to process inputs at the edge and provide analytics-type outputs to cloud applications is driving edge compute and store requirements. Resource-constrained thin edge devices, such as gateways, are not capable of meeting these escalating compute and storage requirements for robust local edge applications. This has led to introduction of more powerful and less expensive server-like enterprise edge appliances that emphasize these capabilities for on-prem operation.

Descent of IT and cloud applications to the edge has led to the rise of “thick” edge that resides above the protocol conversion activity. Hardware suppliers have responded to the emergence of this tier with edge server-like devices that contain the incremental compute and storage capacity necessary to host and execute robust edge applications.

Smart Building Services
Smart Building Service

Mobilestack value

We work with smart building industry vendors to pick the best solution that is needed for building owner. Since we are not a smart building equipment vendor ourself, we act on behalf on owner to shop the best smart building solution at lower total cost of ownership (TCO) with proper lifecycle management for recurring maintenance. We ensure full satisfaction of our customers with an educated long term view for return on investment.

Smart Buildings- a Smart Investment

In today’s connected world, data is the new oil and convenience is king! Smart buildings provide endless opportunities for improved convenience and capabilities and each of these provides exciting new avenues of revenue for developers and building managers alike. Flexible monetization schemes allow all ecosystem partners to extract value from IoT solutions while allowing customization to fit the needs and budget of any user or tenant.
Improving Efficiency and Sustainability

Smart buildings leverage IoT connectivity, sensors and the cloud to remotely monitor and control a range of building systems from heating and air conditioning, to lighting and security systems. A combination of IoT solutions is used to automate access control, security systems, lighting, HVAC systems and more. They provide greater efficiency, safety and comfort, while delivering cost savings that are more closely aligned with the goals of property owners, managers and tenants.
Training & Technical support

MobileStack provides training and support services for Edge, In-building Wireless and Smart Building technology & services

Training Services

MobileStack offers educational and training courses to understand and learn the basics as well as technical details of 5G, Edge and Smart Building technology.

MobileStack can also create custom courses for businesses based on their specific needs.

General courses

General courses available are:

General courses

Introduction to Cloud and Edge

Introduction to 5G

Introduction to 5G

ntroduction to OpenStack

Introduction to Smart Building and In-building Wireless

Technical Support

MobileStack offers following technical support services

Solution Updates

Solution Updates/patches to keep the solution up-to-date

Customer Support Services

Customer Support Services

Configuration Management

Configuration Management

Performance Management

Performance Management and Monitoring

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